Showing posts with label cancer causing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer causing. Show all posts

Friday, 12 April 2013


Green leaf cabbage is one of those premier vegetables that seem to inspire good health on every level.A single cup of shredded raw leaves has a nice amount of calcium,potassium and vitamin has virtually no sodium or fat,only 16 calories, and ample fiber,and it contains various compounds that fight the effects of cancer causing fact studies indicate that people who don't eat cabbage are three times more likely to develop colon cancer than those who much on it at least once a week.All this goodness also puts cabbage in the prevention plan against high blood pressure,stroke,heart disease,diabetes and obesity.


Apricots are a rich source of carotene and fiber,a cancer busting duo.They also contain plenty of potassium,which fights high blood pressure and stroke.A handful of dried apricots about ten halves contains only 83 calories,making them a sweet treat for the weight watcher.


This sunny apricot-co loured melon is so packed with nutrition that just half of one provides you with a hefty supply of cancer-fighting vitamins A and C.its also super rich in potassium and low in salt and fat,making it an ideal food for someone trying to control high blood pressure.and at 94 calories a half,obesity is out the door.