Showing posts with label diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diabetes. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 May 2013


                            DIABETIC SHOULD BE DOUBLY CAREFUL

If you have diabetes,Your risk for having a stroke is double that of someone without the disease.Although both sexes are at risk,women are at greater risk when it comes to a diabetes associated stroke.
      Why should having diabetes put you at risk for also having a stoke? Experts believe diabetes may contribute to heart disease and atherosclerosis,possibly by causing damage to arteries and allowing them to absorb fatty cholesterol deposits.As deposits build,arteries become prime candidate for clotting,Which is a leading cause of stroke.
      But having diabetes does not mean a stroke is inevitable."The good news for diabetics" says Robert D,Abbot P.H.D head of the division of information and Biostatistics at the university of virginia School of medicine in Charlottesville, is that if you can keep your diabetes well controlled.its likely you can reduce your risk of stroke.   health care

Thursday, 25 April 2013


Collard are a many splendored green.A single cup of boiled collards is a great source of calcium,which fights osteoporosis.its a good source of potassium,which protects against stoke and high blood contains almost a full day's supply of the recommended dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin A,which pits it against cancer.And its so low in fat,its a natural promoter of health and slim living.Not bad for green that measures only 27 calories per cup cooked.

Saturday, 20 April 2013


Chicken breast is low in calories, low in fat, and low in sodium a perfect source of protein for anyone trying to fend off heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, or obesity. Half a roasted chicken breast without skin has 142 calories.


Sweet cherries are nature's gift to those with a sweet tooth and they contain virtually no sugar and fat! But they contain as much vitamin A as many vegetables, putting them up front in the fight against cancer. They're a good source of potassium, which helps prevent stroke ad control blood pressure.

Chestnuts are not just for roasting over a Christmas Eve fire. Start enjoying them the minute they drop off the trees every autumn. At 846 milligrams per cup of rich, shelled nuts. they're one of the best sources of potassium you can find to help prevent high blood pressure and stroke. But if you're watching your weight. beware that cup will cost you 310 calories.

Friday, 12 April 2013


A cup of these stately spears packs a solid punch of carotene and potassium to help fight cancer and high blood pressure. And with no fat, no cholesterol,and a decent amount of fiber, asparagus also helps prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity, at only 44 calories a cup.


Two small bananas provide as much fiber as a slice of whole wheat bread-plus a hefty dose of blood pressure lowering potassium.Low in fat and sodium,with a dash of vitamins A and C bananas belong in every diet that purports to fight cancer,stroke heart disease diabetes,and obesity.A single banana has about 100 nutritious calories.


Like all good grains,nutty flavored buckwheat is low in fat and sodium and high in fiber.qualities that put in grains in league against heart disease and cancer.But buckwheat may have a benefit that other grains may not.One study found that a buckwheat diet had a beneficial effect on sugar tolerance,Which can be beneficial to those with diabetes.Cook the buckwheat and toss it with shredded spinach in a salad,or buy it onto the ground flour and use it as a substitute for all makes super tasting pancakes and crepes.