Showing posts with label healthy life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy life. Show all posts

Friday, 20 December 2013

How to Recognize a Heart Attack

More than 300,000 heart attack victims die each year before they reach the hospital. Don't make the same fatal mistake. Know the warning signs.
  While symptoms of heart attack can vary, here are the most common. If you experience any of the following for 2 minutes or more, call your local emergency medical service immediately, or get to the nearest hospital or cardiac-care unit as soon as possible.

  • A pain in the centre of the chest that can range from a mild feeling of tightness to an agonizing, crushing sensation.
  • Pain that comes on suddenly or appears gradually, and which may be continuous or intermittent, fading then returning every few minutes.
  • Pain that spreads to the shoulders, arms, jaw, neck, or stomach.
  • Possible dizziness, sweating, fainting, nausea, shortness of breath, chills or a feeling of severe indigestion, with or without the pains mentioned above.
It is important  to know about these fact to save your life and also for your healthy life .

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Sneaky Tricks to Trim Calories in the Kitchen...

                      Put on the Pressure

cooker, pressure cooker

                          If you own a pressure-cooker but use it only 
                        occasionally (if ever), dig it out and dust it off. 
                     Pressure-cooked vegetables, beans, and rice cook
               up fast and tender in a pressure cooker,  or less of moisture.

                  De-fat Soups, Stews, and Sauces

When you cook lean ground beef for home-made soups, tacos, chilli, or casseroles, pour off all the fat before adding the remaining ingredients. Similarly, after making soups, stews, pot roast, chilli, or spaghetti sauce containing meat, refrigerate them and skim off the layer of fat that forms on the surface. (A gravy skimmer does this best.) For every tablespoon of fat you remove, you'll save about 100 calories.             

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Do you know someone with cancer? We'll bet that you do. We'll bet that you do because cancer strikes 3 out of every 4 families in the United States and kills about 500,000 men and women every year.
       Most cancer victims die from cancer of the lung, breast, colon, or prostate. Breast cancer deaths have held steady over the past 30 years, but prostate cancer deaths have increased 9 percent, colon cancer deaths have increased 22 percent in men, and lung cancer deaths have increased a chocking 161 percent in men and horrifying 396 percent in women.
      Those increases make cancer the nation's second most common cause of death. But what's causing this epidemic of  neoplasmic proliferation?

cancer smoke, smoking injuries, smoking diseases

      Most of the time it's things we do to ourselves. We take a 3-inch paper-covered cylinder out of a pack, put one end in our mouths, and set the other end on fire--even when we know that 83 percent of all lung cancer is caused by smoking cigarettes.

burger diseases, burger.

Or we pull up to a fast-food drive-in, order a bacon double cheeseburger, large fries, and jumbo milkshake--even when we know that the risk of dying from breast cancer increases 40 percent for every extra 1,000 grams of fat we eat a month. 

Or maybe for breakfast we eat the cute little even when we know that a low-fiver diet is a significant factor in the development of colon cancer.

Thursday, 2 May 2013


                            DIABETIC SHOULD BE DOUBLY CAREFUL

If you have diabetes,Your risk for having a stroke is double that of someone without the disease.Although both sexes are at risk,women are at greater risk when it comes to a diabetes associated stroke.
      Why should having diabetes put you at risk for also having a stoke? Experts believe diabetes may contribute to heart disease and atherosclerosis,possibly by causing damage to arteries and allowing them to absorb fatty cholesterol deposits.As deposits build,arteries become prime candidate for clotting,Which is a leading cause of stroke.
      But having diabetes does not mean a stroke is inevitable."The good news for diabetics" says Robert D,Abbot P.H.D head of the division of information and Biostatistics at the university of virginia School of medicine in Charlottesville, is that if you can keep your diabetes well controlled.its likely you can reduce your risk of stroke.   health care

Thursday, 25 April 2013


Collard are a many splendored green.A single cup of boiled collards is a great source of calcium,which fights osteoporosis.its a good source of potassium,which protects against stoke and high blood contains almost a full day's supply of the recommended dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin A,which pits it against cancer.And its so low in fat,its a natural promoter of health and slim living.Not bad for green that measures only 27 calories per cup cooked.

Friday, 12 April 2013


A single avocados is quite possibly the most potent source of potassium you can find,making it the champion in the battle against high blood pressure.Unfortunately,its high calorie content(324 per fruit) can work against you,so consider it an occasional treat.Avocados often take a bad rap because of their high fat content.Actually,a majority of the fat is unsaturated,the type that has been found to be good for your health,mainly because of its ability to lower cholesterol.


Barley comes in two forms:pearled,which has had its entire outer husk removed,and pot also known as scotch which has only a single layer of its outer husk removed.Weighing in at 170 calories per cup of cooked grain,barley is low in fat and sodium and is a good source of protein and fiber.Added to soups and stews it can be a hearty substitute for meat at a meal.


It would be hard to find a bean that is not good for you.whether they are pink,red,white or brown,these legumes are so packed full of soluble fiber that a diet that includes a single,daily 4 ounce serving has the ability to drop high cholesterol levels significantly.They are also a terrific source of potassium and good source of calcium.Beans a re also high in protein and contains very little fat,making them a perfect replacement for high fat means at meals.


Next time your salads start to get boring,slice up a half cup of these purple beauties and tuck them around the edge of your greens.not only will you perk up both color and taste,but the added shot of potassium and fiber will stroke your anti stroke program.And with barley and calories to speak of,they will fill you up without filling you out.
Beets a perfect replacement for high fat means at meals.


Tipping the scale at just 74 calories per cup,these sweet treats from the berry patch have a hefty amount of fiber,a healthy amount of potassium,almost no salt,and only a smidgen of fat,making them a class act against high blood pressure and obesity.


The little garden germs provide a good shot of vitamins A and C.They have little sodium,little fat,and moderately high levels of potassium and fiber.At 55 calories a cup,they make the weight control petrol.